Event details

Board meeting on Zoom.

Tuesday, September 10 @ 18:30

All are invited to listen in, but remember that this meeting is conducted according to an agenda and only board members have voting privileges.
All are invited to comment or make suggestions during the new business segment.

Agenda outline

Item Who
1) Opening of meeting (18:30) President
2) Assign note taker, Take attendance, Establish quorum Secretary
3) Review agenda, Solicit additional discussion items Secretary
4) Last meeting open items (that are not on this agenda) Secretary
5) Secretary's report (membership, finances, new members) Secretary
6) Repeater status report Anders, NR6H
7) Web site updates Anders, NR6H
8) Norcal Skywarn hosting Anders, NR6H
9) Net Control scheduling Mike, KN6BXX
10) Upcoming events
   Sep 17 : Club meeting
   Sep 21 : Lincoln hamfest
   Sep 28 : Community event North Highlands
   Oct 5 : Off the Grid
   Oct 12 : Rocklin Makers Faire
Steve, W6VDP
11) Upcoming Club Elections Steve, W6VDP
12) New business All
13) Adjourn President

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