On Air Nets
The North Hills Radio Club hosts nets on nearly every day of the week. All nets are conducted on the K6IS repeater system unless otherwise indicated below.
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7:00 pm :: SARCR Net
Sacramento County Amateur Radio Communications Reserves (ARES). Everyone is invited to listen-in. Sacramento County ARES are licensed amateurs who have voluntarily registered their qualifications and equipment with ARES for communications duty in the public service when disaster strikes. In addition to disasters, Sacramento County ARES provides communication support for community and special events all across the Sacramento Valley. The net begins with announcements, then member check-ins. The K6IS repeater is linked to N6ICW/R on 147.195 (+) during this net. To learn more, visit the SARCR Website
8:00 pm :: NHRC Elmer’s TechNet
This is an open net and everyone is welcome to check-in. The net begins with announcements, regular member roll call, visitor check-ins, and late or missed member check-ins. The topic for the evening focuses on posing and discussing technical questions related to amateur radio. Example topics include, but are not limited to: antennas, grounding, digital audio, homebrew solutions, weatherproofing, time clocking, etc. All net participants are encouraged to share solutions or happenings.
Net Control Script | Check-in List | Livestream
8:00 pm :: NHRC Membership Net
Casual! Everyone is invited to check-in. Check-ins, Topic for the evening. (Note: This Net is not held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month when the NHRC General Membership meeting occurs).
Week | Activity | Net Control |
1st Tuesday | Monthly Trivia Net | Michael, KN6BXX |
2nd Tuesday | Check-ins and club information. | Maynard, W6PAP |
3rd Tuesday | Bye week for meetings | |
4th Tuesday | 23 cm Simplex Test | Steve, W6VDP |
5th Tuesday | Check-ins and club information. | Varies. |
Net Control Script| Check-in List
7:00 pm :: NorCal SkyWarn Net
This is an open net and everyone with in an interest in weather or weather-related phenomenon are welcome to participate. Affiliated with the National Weather Service (NWS) NorCal SkyWarn is a critical first line of defense for severe weather threats such as storms, damaging winds, flash floods and tornadoes. Volunteers known as “spotters” receive training on identifying hazardous weather events and work with the NWS to report weather observations in real time. The NorCal SkyWarn net is linked through Echolink to other repeaters in our region including W6CX (Mt. Diablo) and K6MVR (Mt. Vaca). Online advance check-in to the net can be made by sending an e-mail to checkin@norcalskywarn.org with your name, call sign (if applicable), spotter number (if applicable) and location. For more information about NorCalSkyWarn, please contact info@norcalskywarn.org or visit their website : NorCal Skywarn Website
8:00 pm :: NHRC Simplex Net
Everyone is invited to check-in. Announcements, Member Roll Call, Visitor Check-ins, late or missed Member Check-ins. We encourage you to bring your Simplex related questions to the net, as well as participating in the exercise.
Once net control gathers call signs of stations wishing to participate, the group will QSY to the designated frequency on the selected band for the simplex test. After the simplex test is completed, participants move back to the repeater to exchange signal reports.
Week | Band | Frequency * | Net Control |
1st Thursday | 10 m | 28.420 MHz USB | Greg, KK6WSP |
2nd Thursday | 1.25 m | 223.500 MHz FM | Steve, W6VDP |
3rd Thursday | 70 cm | 446.000 MHz FM | Allen, KO6AGW |
4th Thursday | 2 m | 146.520 MHz FM | Charlie, K6CVD |
5th Thursday | 6 m | 50.125MHz USB / 52.525 MHz FM | Greg, KK6WSP |
Net Control Script| Check-in List
*) The Net Control Station may decide to use a different frequency and/or mode. Make sure to listen to the check-in portion of the Net on the K6IS repeater prior to switching to the designated frequency.
Download this handy log sheet to keep track of your contacts during the simplex test
8:00 pm :: NHRC Zoom HamChat
This is a casual net conducted via Zoom. Zoom is a videotelephony and online chat service offered through a cloud-based peer-to-peer software platform and is used for teleconferencing, telecommuting, distance education, and social relations. To obtain a copy of the software, visit the Zoom Download page. Net Control: Joe, AI6DG.
There are two (2) ways to join this Zoom Net HamChat:
- By Computer or Mobile Device (audio and video)
Join NHRC Zoom HamChat - By Telephone (audio only)
Dial: (669) 900-9128
When prompted, enter Meeting ID: 927 2550 4428 and Pass code: 1957
7:45 pm :: 2-meter Pre-Net
Pre-net on the K6IS repeater to promote the Saturday evening 75m net. Net Control: Rotating.
8:00 pm :: Saturday Evening 75-meter Net
Saturdays at 8:00 pm 3918.5 kHz Sacramento Saturday evening 75-m net*
Net is held on 3918.5 kHz lower side-band. The purpose is to encourage HF operating. This net is open and informal. Net Control: Rotating.
* General class or higher required for transmission on the 75-m net frequency.
7:00 pm :: NHRC Zello group chat
Zello is a mobile push-to-talk app that makes your cellphone behave almost like a radio. The app is free to download and use, and does not require a HAM license. Everyone are welcome to join the chat. You do not have to be a member of NHRC to join
- Find the Zello app in your App/Play store and install it.
- You will need to create a zello account. Make sure you do not create a 'work' account.
- Zello will send a confirmation email, and you need to click a link in it to confirm.
- When your account is confirmed, search for the 'north hills radio club' group and add it to your list.
Net Control: Paul, KA6PDY