About North Hills Radio Club

The club

2014_Affiliated_Club_Logo_Round_JPGThe North Hills Radio Club (NHRC) is an amateur (ham) radio club, affiliated with the Sacramento Valley Section of the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), the national organization of ham radio operators. NHRC was organized in 1957, and in 2025, is celebrating 68 years of continuous operation. The club name, North Hills, represents all communities in and near Northern Sacramento County, California.

The primary purpose of the NHRC is to foster, encourage and promote interest in amateur radio, and to further promote the general public interest in radio communication. The NHRC encourages the exchange of ideas and technical information, the processes and techniques of radio communication.

The NHRC sponsors weekly nets on the K6IS repeater, monthly membership meetings, and several yearly events intended to promote education and communication among amateur radio operators as well as public awareness of our activities and of our usefulness during emergencies. Our nets, meetings and events are open to all amateur radio operators as well as the general public.

Club management, 2025

Name Call sign Function
Joel Baldwin AI6DG President
Allen Mason K6AGW Vice President & Net Control
Steve Sanderson W6VDP Secretary-Treasurer & Net Control Station
Michael Lane KN6BXX Director & Net Control Manager
Mike O'Connor N1YCN Director
Anders Rehnvall NR6H Director
Ryan Larkin W6RNL Repeater Trustee
Bill K6WLM Net Control Station
Bill K6KRQ Net Control Station 
Maynard W6PAP Net Control Station
Kaayla KA6YLA Net Control Station
Greg KK6WSP Net Control Station
Charlie K6CVD Net Control Station